Page summary

Tested 2025-01-17 22:19:22 using Chrome 131.0.6778.85 (runtime settings).

SummaryWaterfall MetricsVideoFilmstrip CoachPageXrayCPU
| Summary | | Download Video | Download Timeline Log | Download HAR | Download Console Logs | 


Page metrics
Performance Score93
Total Page Transfer Size90.9 KB
Timing metrics
TTFB [median]489 ms
First Paint [median]2.669 s
Fully Loaded [median]3.224 s
Google Web Vitals
TTFB [median]489 ms
First Contentful Paint (FCP) [median]2.669 s
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) [median]2.669 s
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) [median]0.00
Interaction To Next Paint (INP) [median]2.056 s
Total Blocking Time [median]235 ms
Max Potential FID [median]285 ms
CPU metrics
CPU long tasks [median]3
CPU longest task duration1.593 s
CPU last long task happens at2.674 s
Visual Metrics
First Visual Change [median]2.700 s
Speed Index [median]3.602 s
Visual Complete 85% [median]3.100 s
Visual Complete 99% [median]7.033 s
Last Visual Change [median]13.366 s
Screenshot of run 1

Timings Summary

Visual Metrics
FirstVisualChange866 ms2.700 s2.189 s3.000 s
LastVisualChange13.266 s13.366 s13.377 s13.500 s
SpeedIndex2.973 s3.602 s3.413 s3.665 s
LargestImage866 ms2.700 s2.189 s3.000 s
Heading3.066 s3.100 s3.089 s3.100 s
LargestContentfulPaint866 ms2.700 s2.189 s3.000 s
LastMeaningfulPaint3.066 s3.100 s3.089 s3.100 s
VisualReadiness10.366 s10.800 s11.189 s12.400 s
VisualComplete853.066 s3.100 s4.400 s7.033 s
VisualComplete957.033 s7.033 s7.033 s7.033 s
VisualComplete997.033 s7.033 s7.033 s7.033 s
Google Web Vitals
Time To First Byte (TTFB)407 ms489 ms467 ms504 ms
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)839 ms2.669 s2.164 s2.985 s
First Contentful Paint (FCP)839 ms2.669 s2.164 s2.985 s
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)0000
More metrics
firstPaint839 ms2.669 s2.164 s2.985 s
loadEventEnd3.096 s3.119 s3.120 s3.146 s
Total Blocking Time9 ms235 ms742 ms1.983 s
Max Potential FID59 ms285 ms526 ms1.233 s
CPU long tasks 3333
CPU last long task happens at2.112 s2.674 s2.603 s3.023 s
| Waterfall | | Download HAR | 


Run 1 SpeedIndex median

| Video | Download | 


Download video
| Filmstrip | 


Use--filmstrip.showAll to show all filmstrips.

0 s
0.7 sCPU Long Task duration 376 ms
1.1 sCPU Long Task duration 1.593 s
2.7 sFirst Contentful Paint 2.669 sLCP <SPAN> 2.669 sCPU Long Task duration 285 msFirst Visual Change 2.700 sLargest Image 2.700 s
2.8 s
2.9 s
3 s
3.1 sDOM Content Loaded Time 3.070 sHeading 3.100 s
3.2 sPage Load Time 3.119 s
3.3 sFully Loaded 3.224 s
3.4 s
3.5 s
4 s
4.5 s
5 s
5.5 s
6 s
6.5 s
7 s
7.1 sVisual Complete 85% 7.033 sVisual Complete 95% 7.033 sVisual Complete 99% 7.033 s
7.2 s
7.5 s
8 s
8.5 s
9 s
9.5 s
10 s
10.5 s
11 s
11.5 s
12 s
12.5 s
13 s
13.5 sLast Visual Change 13.500 s
| Performance advice | Best practice advice | Privacy advice | Page info | Technologies | 


The coach helps you find performance problems on your web page using web performance best practice rules. And gives you advice on privacy and best practices. Tested using Coach-core version 8.0.2.

I am the coach

Coach score

Performance advice (93)

Avoid slowing down the critical rendering path (avoidRenderBlocking)The page has 0 blocking requests and 2 in body parser blocking (2 JavaScript and 0 CSS).80
Description: The critical rendering path is what the browser needs to do to start rendering the page. Every file requested inside of the head element will postpone the rendering of the page, because the browser need to do the request. Avoid loading JavaScript synchronously inside of the head (you should not need JavaScript to render the page), request files from the same domain as the main document (to avoid DNS lookups) and inline CSS for really fast rendering and a short rendering path.
  • Don't scale images in the browser (avoidScalingImages)The page has 1 image that are scaled more than 100 pixels. It would be better if those images are sent so the browser don't need to scale them.90
    Description: It's easy to scale images in the browser and make sure they look good in different devices, however that is bad for performance! Scaling images in the browser takes extra CPU time and will hurt performance on mobile. And the user will download extra kilobytes (sometimes megabytes) of data that could be avoided. Don't do that, make sure you create multiple version of the same image server-side and serve the appropriate one.
  • Have a fast first contentful paint (firstContentfulPaint)First contentful paint can be improved (2.669 s). It is in the Google Web Vitals needs improvement range, slower than 1.8 seconds.50
    Description: The First Contentful Paint (FCP) metric measures the time from when the page starts loading to when any part of the page content is rendered on the screen. For this metric, "content" refers to text, images (including background images), <svg> elements, or non-white <canvas> elements.
    Have a fast largest contentful paint (largestContentfulPaint)Largest contentful paint can be improved 2.669 s. It is in the Google Web Vitals needs improvement range, slower than 2.5 seconds.80
    Description: Largest contentful paint is one of Google Web Vitals and reports the render time of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport, relative to when the page first started loading. To be fast according to Google, it needs to render before 2.5 seconds and results over 4 seconds is poor performance.
  • Avoid CPU Long Tasks (longTasks)The page has 3 CPU long tasks with the total of 2.254 s. The total blocking time is 235 ms and 2 long tasks before first contentful paint with total time of 1.969 s. However the CPU Long Task is depending on the computer/phones actual CPU speed, so you should measure this on the same type of the device that your user is using. Use Geckoprofiler for Firefox or Chromes tracelog to debug your long tasks.40
    Description: Long CPU tasks locks the thread. To the user this is commonly visible as a "locked up" page where the browser is unable to respond to user input; this is a major source of bad user experience on the web today. However the CPU Long Task is depending on the computer/phones actual CPU speed, so you should measure this on the same type of the device that your user is using. To debug you should use the Chrome timeline log and drag/drop it into devtools or use Firefox Geckoprofiler.
  • unknown
  • unknown
  • unknown
  • Long cache headers is good (cacheHeadersLong)The page has 5 requests that have a shorter cache time than 30 days (but still a cache time).95
    Description: Setting a cache header is good. Setting a long cache header (at least 30 days) is even better beacause then it will stay long in the browser cache. But what do you do if that asset change? Rename it and the browser will pick up the new version.
  • Best practice advice (100)

    Your best practice score is perfect!

    Privacy advice (88)

    Use a good Content-Security-Policy header to make sure you you avoid Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. (contentSecurityPolicyHeader)Set a Content-Security-Policy header to make sure you are not open for Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. You can start with setting a Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header, that will only report the violation, not stop the download.0
    Description: Content Security Policy is delivered via a HTTP response header, and defines approved sources of content that the browser may load. It can be an effective countermeasure to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks and is also widely supported and usually easily deployed.
  • Set a referrer-policy header to make sure you do not leak user information. (referrerPolicyHeader)Set a referrer-policy header to make sure you do not leak user information.0
    Description: Referrer Policy is a new header that allows a site to control how much information the browser includes with navigations away from a document and should be set by all sites.
  • Page info

    Page info
    DOM elements1046
    Avg DOM depth9
    Max DOM depth12
    Script tags4
    Local storage94 B
    Session storage0 b
    Network Information API4g
    Resource Hints

    Technologies used to build the page.

    Data collected using Wappalyzerversion 6.10.66.  Use --browsertime.firefox.includeResponseBodies htmlor htmlto help Wappalyser find more information about technologies used.

    Apache Traffic Server 9.2.6100  Web servers
    HSTS 100  Security
    | Browser metrics | Visual Metrics | Largest Contentful Paint | Cumulative Layout Shift | Interaction To Next Paint | Long Aninimation Frames | Visual Elements | Server timings | 

    Data from run 1

    Visual Metrics

    Visual Metrics
    First Visual Change2.700 s
    Speed Index3.602 s
    Largest Image2.700 s
    Heading3.100 s
    LargestContentfulPaint2.700 s
    Last Meaningful Paint3.100 s
    Largest Contentful Paint2.700 s
    Visual Complete 85%7.033 s
    Visual Complete 95%7.033 s
    Visual Complete 99%7.033 s
    Last Visual Change13.500 s
    Visual Readiness10.800 s

    Browser Metrics

    Google Web Vitals
    Time to first byte (TTFB)504 ms
    First Contentful Paint (FCP)2.669 s
    Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)2.669 s
    Interaction to next paint (INP)2.056 s
    Total Blocking Time (TBT)235 ms
    First Contentful Paint info
    Elements that needed recalculate style before FCP1307
    Time spent in recalculate style before FCP117.382 ms
    Extra timings
    TTFB504 ms
    First Paint2.669 s
    Load Event End3.119 s
    Fully loaded3.224 s

    Largest Contentful Paint

    When in time the page main content is rendered (collected using the Largest Contentful Paint API). Read more about Largest Contentful Paint.

    Element typeSPAN
    Element/tag<span class="central-textlogo__image sprite svg-Wikipedia_wordmark"></span>
    Render time 2.669 s
    Elements that needed recalculate style before LCP1307
    Time spent in recalculate style before LCP117.382 ms
    Load time1.044 s
    URL https://www.wikipedi...rite-de847d1a.svg
    Size (width*height)3750
    DOM path
    main > div:eq(0) > h1 > span> main > div:eq(0) > h1 > span>

    The largest contentful paint is highlighted in the image. If no element is highlighted the element was removed before the screenshot or the LCP API couldn't find the element.

    The Largest Contentful Paint API highlighted this image as a part of the LCP.


    Detected Cumulative Layout Shift

    No layout shift detected.

    Interaction to Next Paint

    Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a metric that try to measure responsiveness. It's useful if you are testing user journeys. Read more about Interaction to Next Paint.

    The measured latency was 2.056 s.

    Event typepointerover
    Element typeDIV
    Element class namecentral-featured-lang lang2
    Event target#www-wikipedia-org>main>nav.central-featured>div.central-featured-lang.lang2
    Load state when the event happenedloading

    Long Animation Frames

    Read more about the Long Animation Frames API here here.

    The top 10 longest animation frames entries

    Blocking duration Work durationRender durationPreLayout DurationStyle And Layout Duration
    1.542 s1.631 s38.6 ms8.5 ms30.1 ms
    No availible script information.
    Blocking duration Work durationRender durationPreLayout DurationStyle And Layout Duration
    338 ms22.4 ms375.6 ms368.6 ms7 ms
    No availible script information.
    Blocking duration Work durationRender durationPreLayout DurationStyle And Layout Duration
    235 ms277.3 ms19.7 ms6.5 ms13.2 ms
    No availible script information.
    Blocking duration Work durationRender durationPreLayout DurationStyle And Layout Duration
    9 ms79.6 ms16.4 ms3.7 ms12.7 ms

    Invoker Type: classic-script
    Window attribution: self

    Blocking duration Work durationRender durationPreLayout DurationStyle And Layout Duration
    1 ms41.6 ms10.4 ms2.7 ms7.7 ms
    No availible script information.
    Blocking duration Work durationRender durationPreLayout DurationStyle And Layout Duration
    0 ms76.2 ms5.8 ms0 ms5.8 ms
    No availible script information.

    Server timings


    Custom metrics collected through JavaScript

    There are no custom configured scripts.

    Extra metrics collected using scripting

    There are no custom extra metrics from scripting.

    Visual Elements

    NameDisplay TimeX YWidthHeight
    LargestImage (Wikipedia-logo-v2.png)2.700 s 69 45 57 52
    <img class="central-featured-logo" src="portal/" srcset="portal/ 1.5x, portal/ 2x" width="200" height="183" alt="">
    Heading3.100 s 129 44 152 53
    <h1 class="central-textlogo-wrapper"></h1>
    LargestContentfulPaint2.700 s 131 47 150 25
    <span class="central-textlogo__image sprite svg-Wikipedia_wordmark"></span>
    | Summary  | Largest responses  | Requests and sizes per content type  | Data per domain | Expires and last modified statistics  | Requests loaded after onLoad event  | Render blocking requests  | 


    How the page is built.

    HTTP versionHTTP/2.0
    Total requests7
    Total domains1
    Total transfer size90.9 KB
    Total content size191.1 KB
    Responses missing compression3
    Number of cookies1
    Third party cookies0
    Requests per response code

    Largest assets on the page (by transfer size)

    Requests and sizes per content type

    ContentHeader SizeTransfer SizeContent SizeRequests
    html0 b19.5 KB77.0 KB1
    javascript0 b9.7 KB22.1 KB2
    image0 b41.4 KB39.9 KB2
    svg0 b18.6 KB49.4 KB1
    favicon0 b1.7 KB2.7 KB1
    Total0 b90.9 KB191.1 KB7

    Data per domain

    DomainTotal download timeTransfer SizeContent SizeRequests
    www.wikipedia.org1.508 s90.9 KB191.1 KB7

    Expires and last modified statistics

    Expires1 hour1 day1 year
    Last modified2 weeks16 weeks16 weeks

    Requests loaded after onLoad event

    Included requests done after load event end.

    ContentTransfer SizeRequests
    html0 b0
    css0 b0
    javascript0 b0
    image0 b0
    font0 b0
    favicon1.7 KB1
    Total1.7 KB1

    Requests loaded after onContentLoad

    Includes requests done after DOM content loaded.

    ContentTransfer SizeRequests
    html0 b0
    css0 b0
    javascript0 b0
    image0 b0
    font0 b0
    favicon1.7 KB1
    Total1.7 KB1

    Render blocking requests

    Render blocking information directly from Chrome.

    BlockingIn body parser blockingPotentially blocking

    Render information

    CPU Long Tasks | CPU Time Spent | CPU Time Spent Per Request | 


    Download the Chrome trace log and drag and drop it into Developer Tools / Performance in Chrome.

    Long Tasks

    Collected using the Long Task API. A long task is a task that take 50 milliseconds or more.

    TypeQuantityTotal duration (ms)
    Total Blocking Time 235
    Max Potential First Input Delay 285
    Long Tasks before First Paint21969
    Long Tasks before First Contentful Paint21969
    Long Tasks before Largest Contentful Paint21969
    Long Tasks after Load Event End00
    Total Long Tasks32254

    CPU last long task happened at 2.674 s

    Individual Long Tasks


    CPU time spent

    Calculated using Tracium.

    Categories (ms)
    Events (ms)

    Time spent per request

    URLCPU time (ms)